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Special Education at Primrose Hill
At Primrose Hill, we ensure our children get every opportunity to achieve their full potential in life, irrespective of any difficulties.
This commitment is an intrinsic part of our philosophy.
It is at the heart of everything we work towards.
Primrose Hill has wonderful educators and facilities to be able to provide excellent support for children of ALL levels. Our modern approach to educating ensures that all our children are catered for and that no child gets left behind.
Our relaxed methods which have been uniquely adapted for each child ensures that they are able to not only improve on their own development but are able to function independently in our settings
We are proud to be accepting all children regardless of any difficulties they face during learning as we are an Educational Setting which is inclusive and diverse.
Our fabulous Special Education Team is here to support Parents and their children throughout their education with us at Primrose Hill!
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